
Canalizador: PRECISA-SE?


Glass, foam, various metals

Various dimensions

Treating our daily process of absorbing memories as an inner canalization that filters what becomes memory, this project (translated to "Plumber: NEEDED?") materializes through glass structures, of various sizes and greenish tones. From its construction in space, the project creates an intimate relationship with the building's infrastructure, alluding to entering and exiting it and creating a visible-invisible game. It is an interpretation of this process, which can be seen as something alive, and which involves various levels of experiences that go through a treatment of filtration and assimilation, seeking to understand how our traumas and addictions reflect and affect this process.

Temporariamente Consciente, Diariamente Inconsciente


Glass, metal

Various dimensions

Alluding to the subject's daily reflection of events and thoughts that they encounters, there comes a time when there is a channeling and filtering of ideas, culminating in the formation of memories in the mind. What situations stir our well-being? Which ones incite this process? Having said this, the project Temporarily Conscious, Daily Unsconscious (translated) materializes through an installation of a channeling system, where we can observe the various stages of selection of memories in the unconscious.​



Mosaic, wood

183 x 23 x 23 cm

This piece arises from the desire to create a composition of tiles and weavings, using the mosaic technique, that could complement the natural element present in it.the play with earth tones and the irregularities of wood culminates in an object that aims to integrate with the natural environment, seeking to give an organic character to the technique itself.

Hoje eu, aqui


Mosaic, wood

50 x 20 x 1 cm

This piece arises from the desire to create a mosaic that could give a new dimension to one of my, previously realized projects. Having said that, I conclude that my project "Hoje eu", produced in 2020, in which I explore the rough change of routine to which we were all subjected, manages to exert a new life in the mosaic. In this project, the need arises for the subject to externalize what he felt, at his most intimate, through texts, embroidery, and the conjugation of all these elements that have so marked this period. In the middle of all this tangle of objects, contained in resin and, in this way, driving the idea of preserving a moment, there is something that reflects the author, but without offering very clear answers to the viewer about what it reflects, choosing to preserve the secret it hides within. In this way, the mosaic manages to add a whole new perspective to the project, further stimulating the idea of the preservation of a moment, in this case, of a plane of just that moment.

Memórias Incertamente Construídas


Wood, glass, textiles

395 x 50 x 15 cm

"Uncertainly Constructed Vestiges" (translated) is a project built from a reflection involved with photographic albums of the subject's family. Along this path, the irony that those images carried with them began to be internalized, since they represented moments and memories of the subject's experience, but did not awaken anything in his memory. Now, the simple fact of seeing a child in what he remembers as his first home, and then seeing that same child repeated in many different scenarios that are, even today, very close to him, made the subject reflect on the fact that he only knew that child was him because he chose to believe in the memories of others and, with them, create his own. This raises questions such as: which memories really come from his experiences at the time they took place, and which memories were created from stories and photographs disguising themselves as real memories? Do you, for example, really remember the accident that left you with a big scar when you were five years old, or is the whole imagetic narrative that you have in your head derived from an agglomeration of versions of the story that you were told?




Various dimensions

Hoje Eu


Resin, textiles, thread, metal

12 x 13 x 12 cm

This project materializes over the course of a few months, in which the subject's routine was abruptly interrupted and altered, without permission, without warning. In this, arises the need on the part of the subject to externalize what he felt, at his most intimate, through texts, embroidery, and the conjugation of all these elements that so marked this period. In the middle of all this tangle of objects, contained in resin and, in this way, driving the idea of preserving a moment, there is something that reflects the author, but without offering very clear answers to the viewer about what it reflects, choosing to preserve the secret it hides in them.

Untitled (Blotter)



50 x 6 x 5 cm

As part of the exploration of the technique of fusing and etching on glass, a reinterpretation of Peter Doig's 1993 painting Blotter is created. 

Reflected Self-Portaits